LOVE Park (officially known as J.F.K. Plaza) was built in 1964 as a gateway to Fairmount Park and to mark the terminus of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, a one mile diagonal boulevard that connects Philadelphia’s central business district with a collection of cultural and educational institutions. LOVE Park was an internationally-known skateboarding destination in the late 20th century and has also been the site of numerous protests and demonstrations.
Today, the area surrounding the Park – Center City – is the largest place of employment in the city and region, with over 300,000 jobs. LOVE Park is a renowned gathering place and social destination for Center City residents and workers. Positioned between City Hall and The Parkway, and adjacent to the Suburban Station transit hub, the park is also an important stopping place for tourists. Countless photos are taken each year under Robert Indiana’s LOVE sculpture by visitors from across the country and around the world, making the park a top destination in the city.
LOVE Park is a high-quality space that prioritizes inclusivity and engagement.