When you choose to use SEPTA - our goal is to provide you with the most pleasant travel experience possible every time you ride. But we also make a commitment to provide a safe riding experience and environment for you, your family, and our employees.
Technology is wonderful - it makes it possible to do work, search the internet, send emails, text, talk on the phone, read books, watch videos, or listen to music while doing other things.
Although it makes it possible to pack a lot into a hectic daily schedule - it can also make you a distracted pedestrian, driver, or SEPTA rider.
We're certain you've seen the videos of people talking on a phone and walking right off the edge of the train platform and into the track area.
These same distractions can have even graver consequences if you trespass by crossing the tracks at an undesignated crosswalk or walk along the right of way while listening to music through headphones.
When your eyes and ears are focused on other things you can unknowingly place yourself in danger.
Being aware of your surroundings also means using common sense. Don't ever think you can beat the flashing lights or crossing gate arm at a highway grade crossing. A train moving at a steady speed will not be able to stop in time - being 5 minutes late for an appointment while waiting for the train to safely pass is better than being late forever.
We value your personal safety so we offer these handy tips to make it easy to Make the Safe Choice - Be Aware of Your Surroundings - especially when you travel on or near SEPTA Bus, Trolley, Subway, and Regional Rail service.
Special thanks to students at MaST Community Charter School in Northeast Philadelphia for helping to spread the Make the Safe Choice - Be Aware of Your Surroundings safety message!