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SEPTA Key Multi-Rider Has Arrived!

February 26, 2024

Updated March 15, 2024

You asked for it - and now it's here! 

Beginning Monday, February 26 - customers can activate SEPTA Key's NEW multi-rider feature by calling the SEPTA Key Call Center at 1-855-567-3782 or online at

The multi-rider feature allows up to five (5) riders on one SEPTA Key card. Multi-rider is available on all modes including bus, trolley, Broad Street Line, Market-Frankford Line, Norristown High Speed Line, and Regional Rail. 

Customers must opt-in to this feature by calling the SEPTA Key Call Center at 1-855-567-3782 and hit 0 twice to reach a representative or opt-in via

To activate and use multi-rider - you must have Travel Wallet autoload turned on. The threshold is $20 and the autoload minimum is $10. Your Travel Wallet must have a balance equal to the minimum amount required for the multi-rider trips. For example - you need $10 to tap on a bus five (5) times.

All multi-rider taps must occur within one (1) minute of the initial tap. Wait for the validator response (green check and accepted tone) between each tap. If there is a delay in the validator response - please wait. Do not tap more than one time for each ride. Taps can be on a single bus/trolley validator or a combination of taps on different turnstiles at a station. 

And don't worry - you can still use your SEPTA Key card as a solo rider even if you have multi-rider turned on. Just be careful not to double tap.


  • When riding Regional Rail - you cannot change the number of riders in your group once a trip has been opened.

  • Conductors can open a multi-rider trip for the entire group.

  • If you have a pass AND Travel Wallet - the first tap will be charged to the pass and the rest of the taps to Travel Wallet.

  • Same fare rules apply: up to two transfers on bus, trolley, Broad Street Line, Market-Frankford Line, Norristown High Speed Line; Two (2) hour Regional Rail trip limit; must tap-on and tap-off for correct fare, etc.

  • You can leave the multi-rider feature on all the time or call the SEPTA Key Call Center or go online to deactivate. Deactivation occurs at 2AM.

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