Beginning the week of September 14, 2020, crews will begin mobilizing for a project to rehabilitate SEPTA’s Hatboro Substation, which services the Warminster Regional Rail Line. This $5.1 million project will replace the major power components of an 80+ year old substation and ensure power reliability for trains serving the entire line.
Work is expected to be performed during daylight hours and we anticipate the project will be completed in late Summer/early Fall 2021.
Regular service on the Warminster Regional Rail Line will be maintained throughout the project.
The project will require the temporary loss of approximately 50 parking spaces adjacent to the substation (please see yellow and black shaded area on this map). If you usually park in this area you will now need to park in the remote daily parking lot across Byberry Road (see map).
Once work begins, the substation area should be considered an active construction zone at all times. Please observe all posted signage and stay outside of the construction fencing.
For more information about the project, visit